Hey there!
This will be a short post about a small thing that I encountered while using Adonis.js V5
The thing is that the default naming strategy serializes everything but related models as camelCase.
To have EVERYTHING serialized as camelCase do the following:
1. Create the ‘CamelCaseNamingStrategy.ts’ file
* @adonisjs/lucid
* (c) Harminder Virk <virk@adonisjs.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
import { string } from '@poppinss/utils/build/helpers'
import { NamingStrategyContract, LucidModel, ModelRelations } from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Orm'
* Uses snake case as the naming strategy for different model properties
export class CamelCaseNamingStrategy implements NamingStrategyContract {
* The default table name for the given model
public tableName(model: LucidModel): string {
return string.pluralize(string.snakeCase(model.name))
* The database column name for a given model attribute
public columnName(_: LucidModel, attributeName: string): string {
return string.snakeCase(attributeName)
* The post serialization name for a given model attribute
public serializedName(_: LucidModel, attributeName: string): string {
return string.camelCase(attributeName)
* The local key for a given model relationship
public relationLocalKey(
relation: ModelRelations['__opaque_type'],
model: LucidModel,
relatedModel: LucidModel
): string {
if (relation === 'belongsTo') {
return relatedModel.primaryKey
return model.primaryKey
* The foreign key for a given model relationship
public relationForeignKey(
relation: ModelRelations['__opaque_type'],
model: LucidModel,
relatedModel: LucidModel
): string {
if (relation === 'belongsTo') {
return string.camelCase(`${relatedModel.name}_${relatedModel.primaryKey}`)
return string.camelCase(`${model.name}_${model.primaryKey}`)
* Pivot table name for many to many relationship
public relationPivotTable(_: 'manyToMany', model: LucidModel, relatedModel: LucidModel): string {
return string.snakeCase([relatedModel.name, model.name].sort().join('_'))
* Pivot foreign key for many to many relationship
public relationPivotForeignKey(_: 'manyToMany', model: LucidModel): string {
return string.snakeCase(`${model.name}_${model.primaryKey}`)
* Keys for the pagination meta
public paginationMetaKeys(): {
total: string
perPage: string
currentPage: string
lastPage: string
firstPage: string
firstPageUrl: string
lastPageUrl: string
nextPageUrl: string
previousPageUrl: string
} {
return {
total: 'total',
perPage: 'per_page',
currentPage: 'current_page',
lastPage: 'last_page',
firstPage: 'first_page',
firstPageUrl: 'first_page_url',
lastPageUrl: 'last_page_url',
nextPageUrl: 'next_page_url',
previousPageUrl: 'previous_page_url',
Then, once you’ve done that, register that class for all your models in the BaseModel.
2. Change the ‘boot’ method in ‘AppProvider.ts’ to the following:
public async boot() {
// IoC container is ready
const { BaseModel } = await import('@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Orm')
BaseModel.namingStrategy = new CamelCaseNamingStrategy()
That’s it!
Have an amazing day! 🙂